Man pages and help outputs for different commands.
These subpages are referenced in the tutorials, so it’s better to have them on site so they’re always at hand.
As content grows, these man pages and help pages will grow as you need them.
Man pages by listing can be viewed here.
About the commands you can find practical examples here, which I update little by little.
- a2disconf
- a2dismod
- a2 dissite
- a2andconf
- a2andmod
- a2ensite
- a2query
- aa-enabled
- aa-exec
- aa status
- ab
- accept
- acpi_listen
- acpid
- addgroup
- addpart
- adduser
- agrep
- alias (built-in Bash command)
- aliases (Postfix local alias database format)
- alsa_in
- alsa_out
- alsabat
- alsactl
- alsaloop
- alsamixer
- subsatpl
- subsaucm
- amavisd-new
- amavisd-new-cronjob
- starches
- mixer
- anachron
- Animated
- apache2ctl
- aplay / arecord
- applause
- apt
- apt-cache
- apt-cdrom
- apt-config
- apt-extracttemplates
- apt-ftparchive
- apt-get
- apt key
- apt-listchanges
- apt-mark
- apt-show-versions
- apt-sortpkgs
- aptitude
- aptitude-create-state-bundle
- aptitude-run-state-bundle
- arerecordmidi
- aspell
- at
- audacious
- Audacity
- autossh
- avahi-daemon
- awk / gawk
- awstats
- axfer
- Bash
- b2sum
- badblocks
- base32
- base64
- basename
- bc
- bg
- bg (built-in Bash command)
- connective
- bind (built-in Bash command)
- biosdecode
- bitmap
- blkzone
- break
- Btrfs
- Btrfs-balance
- Btrfs-check
- Btrfs-convert
- Btrfs-device
- Btrfs file-system
- btrfs-find-root
- btrfs-image
- Btrfs-inspect-internal
- btrfs-map-logical
- Btrfs-property
- Btrfs-qgroup
- btrfs quota
- btrfs-receive
- btrfs-replace
- btrfs-rescue
- btrfs-restore
- btrfs-scrub
- btrfs-select-super
- btrfs-send
- btrfs-subvolume
- btrfstune
- builtin (built-in Bash command)
- bunzip2
- thank you
- bzip2
- bzip2recover
- fuck you
- bzmore
- cal
- caller (built-in Bash command)
- cancel
- cat
- cd (built-in Bash command)
- cdebootstrap
- cfdisk
- chattr
- chgpasswd
- chgrp
- hmm
- chmod
- chown
- chpasswd
- chroot
- chsh
- cjpeg
- Cksum
- cmp
- comm
- command (built-in Bash command)
- compgen (built-in Bash command)
- complete (built-in Bash command)
- compopt (built-in Bash command)
- compress
- continue (built-in Bash command)
- convert
- cp
- cpio
- cron (linux daemon)
- crontab
- csplit
- ctstat
- cups
- cups-browsed
- cups-calibrate
- cupsctl
- cupsd
- curl
- cut
- cvt
- webp
- daemon
- data
- dc
- dconf
- dconf editor
- dconf service
- dd
- ddrescue
- debconf
- declare
- delgroup
- delusional
- df
- dhclient
- Dialogue
- diff
- diff3
- you
- dir
- dircolors
- dirname
- dirs (built-in Bash command)
- disown (built-in Bash command)
- dmesg
- dmidecode
- dpkg
- dpkg-architecture
- dpkg-buildflags
- dpkg-buildpackage
- dpkg-checkbuilddeps
- dpkg-deb
- dpkg-distaddfile
- dpkg-divert
- dpkg-genbuildinfo
- dpkg-genchanges
- dpkg-gencontrol
- dpkg-gensymbols
- dpkg-mainscript-helper
- dpkg-mergechangelogs
- dpkg-name
- dpkg-parsechangelog
- dpkg-preconfigure
- DPKG-Query
- dpkg-reconfigure
- dpkg-scanpackages
- dpkg scansources
- dpkg-shlibdeps
- dpkg-source
- dpkg-split
- dpkg-statoverride
- dpkg-trigger
- dpkg-vendor
- du
- bebp
- e2freefrag
- e2label
- efor
- efibootmgr
- gooseberry
- ejector
- enable (built-in Bash command)
- enchant
- enchant-reading
- env
- eval (built-in Bash command)
- exec (built-in Bash command)
- exfatlabel
- exiftool
- exit (built-in Bash command)
- export (built-in Bash command)
- Fail2Ban
- Fluidsynth
- factor
- fail2ban-client
- fail2ban-regex
- fail2ban-server
- fail2ban-testcases
- fallog
- fatlabel
- fbset
- fc (built-in Bash command)
- Fdisk
- ffmpeg
- fg (built-in Bash command)
- fgrep
- fillet
- find
- findmnt
- fold
- fsck
- fsck.btrfs
- fsck.cramfs
- fsck.exfat
- fsck.ext2
- fsck.fat
- fsck.minix
- fstab
- fstopgm
- ftp
- gcc
- genius
- getopts (built-in Bash command)
- gettext
- gif2webp
- gimp
- git
- git add
- I am git
- git-annotate
- git-apply
- git-archive
- glances
- glxinfo
- gpasswd
- gpg
- grep
- groupadd
- grub-mkconfig
- gs
- gsettings
- gtf
- gunzip
- gexe
- gzip
- HTMLLinker
- halt
- hash (built-in Bash command)
- hddtemp
- hdparm
- head
- help (built-in Bash command)
- history
- host
- hostname [ use ]
- hostnamectl
- htop
- htpasswd
- hwclock
- ifconfig
- ifdown
- Ifup
- incrond
- incrontab
- iconv
- id
- identify
- imwheel
- info
- install
- iostat
- iotop
- ip
- ip6tables
- ipcalc
- iperf
- hyperf3
- iptables
- iptables-apply / ip6tables-apply
- iptables-legacy / ip6tables-legacy
- isohybrid
- iw
- jailkit
- jk_check
- jk_chrootlaunch
- jk_chrootsh
- jk_cp
- jk_init
- jk_jailuser
- jobs (built-in Bash command)
- joe
- journalctl
- jq
- last
- lastb
- ldconfig
- ldd
- moins
- ftp
- ln
- lnstat
- local (built-in Bash command)
- local (Postfix local mail delivery daemon)
- local
- locale-gen
- localectl
- localdef
- located
- logout (built-in Bash command)
- logrotate
- logtail
- ls
- laser
- lsattr
- lsb_release
- lsblk
- lscpu
- lsinitramfs
- lsipc
- lslocks
- lslogins
- I see
- lsmod
- lsns
- lsof
- lspci
- lspgpot
- lsscsi
- lsusb
- mailq
- make
- Mon
- mapfile (Built-in Bash command)
- mc
- mcview
- md5sum [ use ]
- mkdir
- mkfs
- mkfs.bfs
- mkfs.btrfs
- mkfs.cramfs
- mkfs.exfat / mkexfatfs
- mkfs.ext2 / mke2fs
- mkfs.fat
- mkfs.minix
- mkfs.ntfs / mkntfs
- mmv
- modprobe
- monit
- more
- mount
- mount.cifs
- mpstat
- mv
- mysql
- mysql_convert_table_format
- mysql_embedded
- mysql_find_rows
- mysql_fix_extensions
- mysql_install_db
- mysql_plugin
- mysql_secure_installation
- mysql_setpermission
- mysql_table
- mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
- mysql_upgrade
- mysql_waitpid
- mysqlaccess
- mysqladmin
- mysqlanalyze
- mysqlbinlog
- mysqlcheck
- mysqld (MySQL / MariaDB server)
- mysqld_multi
- mysqld_safe
- mysqld_safe_helper
- mysqldump
- mysqldumpslow
- mysqlhotcopy
- mysqlimport
- mysqloptimize
- mysqlrepair
- mysqlreport
- mysqlshow
- mysqlslap
- mytop
- Nano
- nc / ncat
- nc.openbsd (Netcat OpenBSD)
- nc.traditional (Netcat traditional)
- ncal
- ncdu
- needrestart
- netstat
- nice
- load
- Nmap
- nmcli
- nologine
- nslookup
- ntfsfix
- ntfslabel
- Parallel
- Passwd
- Easter
- pat2ppm
- patextract
- pavucontrol
- pdbedit
- pgm (Portable Graymap Image)
- pgmbentley
- pgmcrater
- pgmedge
- pgmenhance
- pgmhist
- with pgmkernel
- pgmnoise
- pgmnorm
- pgmoil
- pgmramp
- pgmslice
- pgmtexture
- pgmtofs
- pgmtolispm
- pgmtopbm
- pgmtoppm
- grip
- php
- phpize
- pigz
- ping
- kill
- png2pat
- popd (built-in Bash command)
- postfix
- postmap
- postqueue
- postsuper
- power off
- printf (built-in Bash command)
- ps
- ps2ascii
- ps2epsi
- ps2pdf
- ps2pdfwr
- ps2ps
- pslog
- ptree
- pushd (built-in Bash command)
- pwd
- pwdx
- pwgen
- rare
- read (built-in Bash command)
- readarray (built-in Bash command)
- readlink
- readonly (built-in Bash command)
- realpath
- return (built-in Bash command)
- reboot
- replace
- reset
- resolvectl
- rgb2pat
- rgrep
- rm
- rmdir
- rmmod
- x-ray body
- rotate logs
- road.
- Rsync
- rtstat
- s-nail
- sar
- scp
- sdparm
- thirst
- sensor
- seq
- dedicated
- set (built-in Bash command)
- sftp
- sha256sum
- sha512sum
- shift (built-in Bash command)
- shutdown
- slogan
- smartctl
- smb.conf
- smbcacls
- smbclient
- smbcontrol
- smbcquotas
- smbd
- smbpasswd
- smbspool
- smbstatus
- smbtar
- smbtree
- sockets (2)
- sockets (7)
- Black
- source (built-in Bash command)
- ss
- ssh
- ssh-copy-id
- ssh-keygen
- ssh-keyscan
- sshd
- sshfs
- stat
- su
- sync
- sysctl
- sudo
- suspend (built-in Bash command)
- systemctl
- systemd
- systemd-sysv-generator
- systemd-timesyncd (service)
- systemd.mount
- systemd.service
- tail
- tar
- Tcpdump
- tee
- temp file
- body (built-in Bash command)
- body parm
- team
- timedatectl
- times (built-in Bash command)
- toe
- top
- touch
- tput
- tr
- traceroute
- trance
- trap (built-in Bash command)
- tree
- trof
- truncate
- tset
- socks
- tty
- tune2fs
- type (built-in Bash command)
- typeset (built-in Bash command)
- udev
- udevadm
- udisksctl
- ufw
- ulimit (built-in Bash command)
- umask (built-in Bash command)
- umask (function)
- unalias (built-in Bash command)
- uname
- uncompress
- uncompress.real
- unexpand
- unique
- unlink
- Unrar
- umount
- unset (built-in Bash command)
- unzip
- update-alternatives
- update-grub
- update-initramfs
- uptime
- useradd
- usermod