



Developer / owner:

Short description:

Manual page and help for the aa-exec Linux command.



Man page output

man aa-exec
AA-EXEC(1)                                                    AppArmor                                                   AA-EXEC(1)

       aa-exec - confine a program with the specified AppArmor profile

       aa-exec [options] [--] [<command> ...]

       aa-exec is used to launch a program confined by the specified profile and or namespace.  If both a profile and namespace are
       specified command will be confined by profile in the new policy namespace.  If only a namespace is specified, the profile
       name of the current confinement will be used.  If neither a profile or namespace is specified command will be run using
       standard profile attachment (ie. as if run without the aa-exec command).

       If the arguments are to be pasted to the <command> being invoked by aa-exec then -- should be used to separate aa-exec
       arguments from the command.
         aa-exec -p profile1 -- ls -l

OPTIONS aa-exec accepts the following arguments:
       -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
           confine <command> with PROFILE. If the PROFILE is not specified use the current profile name (likely unconfined).

       -n NAMESPACE, --namespace=NAMESPACE
           use profiles in NAMESPACE.  This will result in confinement transitioning to using the new profile namespace.

       -i, --immediate
           transition to PROFILE before doing executing <command>.  This subjects the running of <command> to the exec transition
           rules of the current profile.

       -v, --verbose
           show commands being performed

       -d, --debug
           show commands and error codes

       --  Signal the end of options and disables further option processing. Any arguments after the -- are treated as arguments of
           the command.  This is useful when passing arguments to the <command> being invoked by aa-exec.

       If you find any bugs, please report them at <https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+filebug>.

       aa-stack(8), aa-namespace(8), apparmor(7), apparmor.d(5), aa_change_profile(3), aa_change_onexec(3) and

AppArmor 2.13.2                                              2019-03-30                                                  AA-EXEC(1)



Help output

aa-exec --help
USAGE: aa-exec [OPTIONS] <prog> <args>

Confine <prog> with the specified PROFILE.

  -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE         PROFILE to confine <prog> with
  -n NAMESPACE, --namespace=NAMESPACE   NAMESPACE to confine <prog> in
  -d, --debug                           show messages with debugging information
  -i, --immediate                       change profile immediately instead of at exec
  -v, --verbose                         show messages with stats
  -h, --help                            display this help


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