



Version number: 4.17-9.1 (in Debian 10)
Developer / owner: Sun Wu and Udi Manber

Short description:

Manual page and help for the agrep linux command. The agrep linux command looks for strings in files with approximate matching capabilities.

To use the command on a Debian system, agrep package installation required:

sudo apt-get install agrep



Man page output

man agrep
AGREP(1)                             General Commands Manual                             AGREP(1)

       agrep  - search a file for a string or regular expression, with approximate matching capa‐

       agrep [ -#cdehiklnpstvwxBDGIS ] pattern [ -f patternfile ] [ filename... ]

       agrep searches the input filenames (standard input is the default, but see a warning under
       LIMITATIONS)  for records containing strings which either exactly or approximately match a
       pattern.  A record is by default a line, but it can be defined differently  using  the  -d
       option  (see  below).   Normally, each record found is copied to the standard output.  Ap‐
       proximate matching allows finding records that contain the pattern with several errors in‐
       cluding substitutions, insertions, and deletions.  For example, Massechusets matches Mass‐
       achusetts with two  errors  (one  substitution  and  one  insertion).   Running  agrep  -2
       Massechusets foo outputs all lines in foo containing any string with at most 2 errors from

       agrep supports many kinds of queries including arbitrary wild cards, sets of patterns, and
       in  general,  regular  expressions.   See PATTERNS below.  It supports most of the options
       supported by the grep family plus several more (but it is not 100% compatible with  grep).
       For more information on the algorithms used by agrep see Wu and Manber, "Fast Text Search‐
       ing With Errors," Technical report #91-11, Department of Computer Science,  University  of
       Arizona,  June  1991 (available by anonymous ftp from in agrep/,
       and Wu and Manber, "Agrep -- A Fast Approximate Pattern  Searching  Tool",  To  appear  in
       USENIX  Conference  1992  January  (available  by  anonymous  ftp  from in

       As with the rest of the grep family, the characters `$', `^', `∗',  `[',  `]',  `^',  `|',
       `(', `)', `!', and `\' can cause unexpected results when included in the pattern, as these
       characters are also meaningful to the shell.  To avoid these problems, one  should  always
       enclose  the entire pattern argument in single quotes, i.e., 'pattern'.  Do not use double
       quotes (").

       When agrep is applied to more than one input file, the name of the file is displayed  pre‐
       ceding each line which matches the pattern.  The filename is not displayed when processing
       a single file, so if you actually want the filename to appear, use /dev/null as  a  second
       file in the list.

       -#     #  is  a  non-negative  integer (at most 8) specifying the maximum number of errors
              permitted in finding the approximate matches (defaults to zero).   Generally,  each
              insertion, deletion, or substitution counts as one error.  It is possible to adjust
              the relative cost of insertions, deletions and substitutions (see -I -D and -S  op‐

       -c     Display only the count of matching records.

       -d 'delim'
              Define  delim  to  be the separator between two records.  The default value is '$',
              namely a record is by default a line.  delim can be a string  of  size  at  most  8
              (with possible use of ^ and $), but not a regular expression.  Text between two de‐
              lim's, before the first delim, and after  the  last  delim  is  considered  as  one
              record.  For example, -d '$$' defines paragraphs as records and -d '^From ' defines
              mail messages as records.  agrep matches each record separately.  This option  does
              not currently work with regular expressions.

       -e pattern
              Same as a simple pattern argument, but useful when the pattern begins with a `-'.

       -f patternfile
              patternfile  contains  a  set  of  (simple) patterns.  The output is all lines that
              match at least one of the patterns in patternfile.  Currently, the -f option  works
              only  for  exact match and for simple patterns (any meta symbol is interpreted as a
              regular character); it is compatible only with -c, -h, -i, -l, -s, -v, -w,  and  -x
              options.  see LIMITATIONS for size bounds.

       -h     Do not display filenames.

       -i     Case-insensitive search — e.g., "A" and "a" are considered equivalent.

       -k     No  symbol  in  the  pattern is treated as a meta character.  For example, agrep -k
              'a(b|c)*d' foo  will  find  the  occurrences  of  a(b|c)*d  in  foo  whereas  agrep
              'a(b|c)*d'  foo  will  find  substrings  in  foo  that match the regular expression

       -l     List only the files that contain a match.  This option is useful  for  looking  for
              files  containing a certain pattern.  For example, " agrep -l 'wonderful'  * " will
              list the names of those files in current directory that contain the  word  'wonder‐

       -n     Each line that is printed is prefixed by its record number in the file.

       -p     Find records in the text that contain a supersequence of the pattern.  For example,
               agrep -p DCS foo will match "Department of Computer Science."

       -s     Work  silently, that is, display nothing except error messages.  This is useful for
              checking the error status.

       -t     Output the record starting from the end of delim to (and including) the next delim.
              This is useful for cases where delim should come at the end of the record.

       -v     Inverse mode — display only those records that do not contain the pattern.

       -w     Search for the pattern as a word — i.e., surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters.
              The non-alphanumeric must surround the match;  they cannot be  counted  as  errors.
              For example, agrep -w -1 car will match cars, but not characters.

       -x     The pattern must match the whole line.

       -y     Used with -B option. When -y is on, agrep will always output the best matches with‐
              out giving a prompt.

       -B     Best match mode.  When -B is specified and no exact matches are found,  agrep  will
              continue to search until the closest matches (i.e., the ones with minimum number of
              errors) are found, at which point the following message will be  shown:  "the  best
              match  contains  x  errors, there are y matches, output them? (y/n)" The best match
              mode is not supported for standard input, e.g., pipeline input.  When the  -#,  -c,
              or  -l  options  are  specified,  the  -B option is ignored.  In general, -B may be
              slower than -#, but not by very much.

       -Dk    Set the cost of a deletion to k (k is a positive integer).  This  option  does  not
              currently work with regular expressions.

       -G     Output the files that contain a match.

       -Ik    Set  the cost of an insertion to k (k is a positive integer).  This option does not
              currently work with regular expressions.

       -Sk    Set the cost of a substitution to k (k is a positive integer).   This  option  does
              not currently work with regular expressions.

       agrep supports a large variety of patterns, including simple strings, strings with classes
       of characters, sets of strings, wild cards, and regular expressions.

              any sequence of characters, including the special symbols `^' for beginning of line
              and `$' for end of line.  The special characters listed above ( `$', `^', `∗', `[',
              `^', `|', `(', `)', `!', and `\' ) should be preceded by `\'  if  they  are  to  be
              matched  as  regular  characters.   For  example, \^abc\\ corresponds to the string
              ^abc\, whereas ^abc corresponds to the string abc at the beginning of a line.

       Classes of characters
              a list of characters inside [] (in order) corresponds to  any  character  from  the
              list.   For  example, [a-ho-z] is any character between a and h or between o and z.
              The symbol `^' inside [] complements the list.   For  example,  [^i-n]  denote  any
              character  in  the  character set except character 'i' to 'n'.  The symbol `^' thus
              has two meanings, but this is consistent with egrep.  The symbol `.'  (don't  care)
              stands for any symbol (except for the newline symbol).

       Boolean operations
              agrep supports an `and' operation `;' and an `or' operation `,', but not a combina‐
              tion of both.  For example, 'fast;network' searches for all records containing both

       Wild cards
              The  symbol '#' is used to denote a wild card.  # matches zero or any number of ar‐
              bitrary characters.  For example, ex#e matches example.  The symbol # is equivalent
              to  .*  in egrep.  In fact, .* will work too, because it is a valid regular expres‐
              sion (see below), but unless this is part of an actual regular expression,  #  will
              work faster.

       Combination of exact and approximate matching
              any  pattern inside angle brackets <> must match the text exactly even if the match
              is with errors.  For example, <mathemat>ics matches  mathematical  with  one  error
              (replacing  the last s with an a), but mathe<matics> does not match mathematical no
              matter how many errors we allow.

       Regular expressions
              The syntax of regular expressions in agrep is in  general  the  same  as  that  for
              egrep.   The  union  operation  `|', Kleene closure `*', and parentheses () are all
              supported.  Currently '+' is not supported.  Regular expressions are currently lim‐
              ited  to  approximately  30 characters (generally excluding meta characters).  Some
              options (-d, -w, -f, -t, -x, -D, -I, -S) do not currently work with regular expres‐
              sions.  The maximal number of errors for regular expressions that use '*' or '|' is

       agrep -2 -c ABCDEFG foo
              gives the number of lines in file foo that contain ABCDEFG within two errors.

       agrep -1 -D2 -S2 'ABCD#YZ' foo
              outputs the lines containing ABCD followed, within arbitrary distance, by YZ,  with
              up  to  one  additional insertion (-D2 and -S2 make deletions and substitutions too

       agrep -5 -p abcdefghij /path/to/dictionary/words
              outputs the list of all words containing at least 5 of the first 10 letters of  the
              alphabet  in order.  (Try it:  any list starting with academia and ending with sac‐
              rilegious must mean something!)

       agrep -1 'abc[0-9](de|fg)*[x-z]' foo
              outputs the lines containing, within up to one error, the string that  starts  with
              abc followed by one digit, followed by zero or more repetitions of either de or fg,
              followed by either x, y, or z.

       agrep -d '^From ' 'breakdown;internet' mbox
              outputs all mail messages (the pattern '^From ' separates mail messages in  a  mail
              file) that contain keywords 'breakdown' and 'internet'.

       agrep -d '$$' -1 '<word1> <word2>' foo
              finds  all  paragraphs that contain word1 followed by word2 with one error in place
              of the blank.  In particular, if word1 is the last word in a line and word2 is  the
              first word in the next line, then the space will be substituted by a newline symbol
              and it will match.  Thus, this is a way to overcome separation by a newline.   Note
              that  -d  '$$'  (or another delim which spans more than one line) is necessary, be‐
              cause otherwise agrep searches only one line at a time.

       agrep '^agrep' <this manual>
              outputs all the examples of the use of agrep in this man pages.

       ed(1), ex(1), grep(1V), sh(1), csh(1).

       Any bug reports or comments will be appreciated!  Please mail them to or

       Regular expressions do not support the '+' operator (match 1 or more instances of the pre‐
       ceding token).  These can be searched for by using this syntax in the pattern:


       (search for strings containing one instance of the pattern, followed  by  0  or  more  in‐
       stances of the pattern).

       The following can cause an infinite loop: agrep pattern * > output_file.  If the number of
       matches is high, they may be deposited in output_file before it is completely read leading
       to  more  matches of the pattern within output_file (the matches are against the whole di‐
       rectory).  It's not clear whether this is a "bug" (grep will do the same), but be warned.

       The maximum size of the patternfile is limited to be 250Kb, and the maximum number of pat‐
       terns is limited to be 30,000.

       Standard  input  is  the default if no input file is given.  However, if standard input is
       keyed in directly (as opposed to through a pipe, for example) agrep may not work for  some
       non-simple patterns.

       There  is no size limit for simple patterns.  More complicated patterns are currently lim‐
       ited to approximately 30 characters.  Lines are limited to 1024 characters.   Records  are
       limited  to  48K,  and may be truncated if they are larger than that.  The limit of record
       length can be changed by modifying the parameter Max_record in agrep.h.

       Exit status is 0 if any matches are found, 1 if none, 2 for syntax errors or  inaccessible

       Sun  Wu  and Udi Manber, Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
       85721.  {sw|udi}

                                           Jan 17, 1992                                  AGREP(1)



Help output

usage: agrep [-@#abcdehiklnoprstvwxyBDGIMSV] [-f patternfile] [-H dir] pattern [files]

summary of frequently used options:
(For a more detailed listing see 'man agrep'.)
-#: find matches with at most # errors
-c: output the number of matched records
-d: define record delimiter
-h: do not output file names
-i: case-insensitive search, e.g., 'a' = 'A'
-l: output the names of files that contain a match
-n: output record prefixed by record number
-v: output those records that have no matches
-w: pattern has to match as a word, e.g., 'win' will not match 'wind'
-B: best match mode. find the closest matches to the pattern
-G: output the files that contain a match
-H 'dir': the cast-dictionary is located in directory 'dir'


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