unalias (built-in Bash command)




License: GNU GPLv3 +
Version number: GNU Bash 5
Developer / owner: Free Software Foundation Inc.

Short description:

The manual page and help for the unalias built-in Bash command. The unalias command removes the specified names from the aliases.



Man page output

man bash
       unalias [-a] [name ...]
              Remove  each  name  from the list of defined aliases.  If -a is supplied, all alias
              definitions are removed.  The return value is true unless a supplied name is not  a
              defined alias.



Help output

unalias --help
unalias: unalias [-a] név [név ...]
    Minden NÉV eltávolítása a definiált aliasok közül.
      -a        minden definíció törlése
    Sikeresen tér vissza, kivéve ha nincs megadott NÉV nevű alias.


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