



Version: 0.6.1 (in Debian 10)
Developer / owner:

Short description:

Manual page and help for the dwebp linux command. The dwebp command unpacks WebP files into PNG, PAM, PPM, or PGM files.

To use this command, you must install web package:

sudo apt-get install webp



Man page output

man dwebp
DWEBP(1)                                General Commands Manual                                DWEBP(1)

       dwebp - decompress a WebP file to an image file

       dwebp [options] input_file.webp

       This manual page documents the dwebp command.

       dwebp decompresses WebP files into PNG, PAM, PPM or PGM images.

       The basic options are:

       -h     Print usage summary.

              Print the version number (as major.minor.revision) and exit.

       -o string
              Specify the name of the output file (as PNG format by default).  Using "-" as output name
              will direct output to 'stdout'.

       -- string
              Explicitly specify the input file. This option is useful if the input file starts with an
              '-'  for instance. This option must appear last.  Any other options afterward will be ig‐
              nored. If the input file is "-", the data will be read from stdin instead of a file.

       -bmp   Change the output format to uncompressed BMP.

       -tiff  Change the output format to uncompressed TIFF.

       -pam   Change the output format to PAM (retains alpha).

       -ppm   Change the output format to PPM (discards alpha).

       -pgm   Change the output format to PGM. The output consists of luma/chroma  samples  instead  of
              RGB,  using  the  IMC4  layout. This option is mainly for verification and debugging pur‐

       -yuv   Change the output format to raw YUV. The output consists of  luma/chroma-U/chroma-V  sam‐
              ples  instead  of RGB, saved sequentially as individual planes. This option is mainly for
              verification and debugging purposes.

              Don't use the fancy upscaler for YUV420. This may lead to jaggy edges (especially the red
              ones), but should be faster.

              Don't use the in-loop filtering process even if it is required by the bitstream. This may
              produce visible blocks on the non-compliant output, but it will make the decoding faster.

       -dither strength
              Specify a dithering strength between 0 and 100. Dithering is a post-processing effect ap‐
              plied  to  chroma  components  in lossy compression.  It helps by smoothing gradients and
              avoiding banding artifacts.

              If the compressed file contains a transparency plane that was quantized  during  compres‐
              sion,  this  flag  will  allow  dithering  the  reconstructed  plane in order to generate
              smoother transparency gradients.

              Disable all dithering (default).

       -mt    Use multi-threading for decoding, if possible.

       -crop x_position y_position width height
              Crop the decoded picture to a rectangle with top-left corner at coordinates  (x_position,
              y_position)  and  size width x height.  This cropping area must be fully contained within
              the source rectangle.  The top-left corner will be snapped to even coordinates if needed.
              This  option  is  meant to reduce the memory needed for cropping large images.  Note: the
              cropping is applied before any scaling.

       -flip  Flip decoded image vertically (can be useful for OpenGL textures for instance).

       -resize, -scale width height
              Rescale the decoded picture to dimension width x height. This option is  mostly  intended
              to reducing the memory needed to decode large images, when only a small version is needed
              (thumbnail, preview, etc.). Note: scaling is applied after cropping.  If either (but  not
              both) of the width or height parameters is 0, the value will be calculated preserving the

       -quiet Do not print anything.

       -v     Print extra information (decoding time in particular).

       -noasm Disable all assembly optimizations.

       Please report all bugs to the issue tracker:
       Patches welcome! See this page to get  started:‐

       dwebp picture.webp -o output.png
       dwebp picture.webp -ppm -o output.ppm
       dwebp -o output.ppm -- ---picture.webp
       cat picture.webp | dwebp -o - -- - > output.ppm

       dwebp is a part of libwebp and was written by the WebP team.
       The latest source tree is available at

       This  manual  page  was written by Pascal Massimino <>, for the Debian
       project (and may be used by others).

       cwebp(1), gif2webp(1), webpmux(1)
       Please refer to for additional information.

   Output file format details

                                             June 23, 2016                                     DWEBP(1)



Help output

dwebp -h
Usage: dwebp in_file [options] [-o out_file]

Decodes the WebP image file to PNG format [Default]
Use following options to convert into alternate image formats:
  -pam ......... save the raw RGBA samples as a color PAM
  -ppm ......... save the raw RGB samples as a color PPM
  -bmp ......... save as uncompressed BMP format
  -tiff ........ save as uncompressed TIFF format
  -pgm ......... save the raw YUV samples as a grayscale PGM
                 file with IMC4 layout
  -yuv ......... save the raw YUV samples in flat layout

 Other options are:
  -version ..... print version number and exit
  -nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler
  -nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering
  -nodither .... disable dithering
  -dither <d> .. dithering strength (in 0..100)
  -alpha_dither  use alpha-plane dithering if needed
  -mt .......... use multi-threading
  -crop <x> <y> <w> <h> ... crop output with the given rectangle
  -resize <w> <h> ......... scale the output (*after* any cropping)
  -flip ........ flip the output vertically
  -alpha ....... only save the alpha plane
  -incremental . use incremental decoding (useful for tests)
  -h ........... this help message
  -v ........... verbose (e.g. print encoding/decoding times)
  -quiet ....... quiet mode, don't print anything
  -noasm ....... disable all assembly optimizations


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