
Linux Mint 20.1 (Ulyssa) BIOS mode installation with Cinnamon desktop environment

botond published 2021/02/21, v - 15:22 time
On January 2021, 8, Linux Mint announced the release of 20.1, codenamed "Ulyssa," which was made available in a variety of desktop environments. In this description, we will install the version packaged with Cinnamon. We’ve dealt with a Linux Mint 20 (ulyana) based installation before, now let’s look at the latest version of the Linux Mint Linux distribution with the Cinnamon desktop in its original form. This installation is performed on a machine with a 64-bit BIOS system, where the 64-bit system is mounted on a single partition on a hard disk created with an MBR partition scheme.

How to easily install from the backports repository or upgrade your manually installed phpMyAdmin web database management system on Debian 10 (Buster) servers

botond published 2021/02/16, k - 21:14 time
PhpMyAdmin is an essential accessory for LAMP and other more complex servers, allowing us to conveniently manage our databases in a web interface. The phpMyAdmin web database management interface installation package was not previously available in the official Debian 10 (Buster) repository. So when I created the installer description for the Debian 10 LAMP server, I still had to install it manually. Since then, however, Debian has made the phpMyAdmin package available in the backports repository. In this description, in addition to the previous Debian 10 (Buster) LAMP server installation description, we will install our favorite web database manager from the backports repository, among other things, following the changes that have taken place in the meantime.

How to install PHP 8 on your Debian or Ubuntu server

botond published 2021/02/06, Sat - 15:49 time
PHP is one of the most common server-side scripting languages ​​for building dynamic web pages, making it an essential part of our web server. The latest major version of this, PHP 2020, was released on November 26, 8. In this tutorial, we will look at how to install PHP 8 on an Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) LAMP server and a Debian 10 (Stretch) perfect server, and how to you can configure it to work in both systems in the Apache environment.

Download and install the Digital Prosperity Software Basic Package for free

botond published Jan. 2021, 01, 27:18 p.m. time
I heard it on the radio these days, and then I came across the news on the website of Magyar Nemzet, in which they wrote that a Hungarian company had compiled and made available for free a software package that includes an open source operating system and a software package that also includes free components. a web browser, word processor, spreadsheet, mailer, media player, and more. The benefits of the Digital Prosperity Software Basic Package include ease of installation, easy-to-use user programs, a high degree of customization, and a free alternative to expensive operating systems and user programs thanks to open source, free components. With the help of customized user profiles, the system adapts to the user needs of each target group (children, families, the elderly).

Installing and setting up Drupal 9 CMS system

botond published 2021/01/10, v - 16:43 time
Drupal is a free CMS written in PHP, the latest major version of which is 9, released on June 2020, 3. From now on, Drupal 8.9 will only receive fix packs, and support for Drupal 8, from which this page was made, will end on November 2021, 2, so I need to upgrade this page to major version 9 by now at the latest. To get acquainted, I’m making a fresh Drupal 9 installation and looking around so I don’t have to rush at the last minute to see which module will be compatible with it, how much I need to vary the page, and so on. And if I’m already installing, I’ll make a little description of it as well to see if I can provide useful info to others. I have previously prepared a guide for installing Drupal 8, in this description we will install the current release of major version 9.

Convenient use of terminal windows with Asbrú Connection Manager

botond published 2020. 11. 16., h - 23:17 time
If you use the command line frequently and have to work in several windows at once, it is essential to have a multi-tab terminal application that is comfortable to use and has the right knowledge. In this small user tutorial, you will learn about the Asbrú Connection Manager Linux application and its basic functions. On this page, we will install the program and review the global settings.

Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) LAMP Server v1.0

botond published Jan. 2020, 10, 21:18 p.m. time
With the help of LAMP systems, we can run dynamic web pages on our server or even on our home computer. I have previously built LAMP servers for Debian 8 (Jessie), Debian 9 (Stretch) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver), and in this description we will install the LAMP server components for the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Linux distribution.

Server monitoring with Munin on Debian 9 (Stretch) and Debian 10 (Buster)

botond published 2020. 02. 17., h - 14:42 time
By making the web and other services running on our server available to the public, there may be a need for a comprehensive monitoring system that allows us to track information about the utilization of various resources on our server from one place. Many of these softwares are available today, and in this tutorial we will look at the installation and commissioning of a server monitor package called Munin on Debian 9 (Stretch) and Debian 10 (Buster).