How to create an SFTP user without shell access on your Linux system

botond published Jan. 2021, 01, 20:22 p.m. time




You may want to share larger files with others, or just receive ones that no longer fit in an email. Of course, there are also free file shares for this purpose, but if two-way data transfer is required more often, for example during teleworking, it is more expedient to solve this ourselves. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is excellent for this, which offers a secure file transfer solution SSH over a connection, unlike unencrypted and outdated FTP with a relationship. SFTP is available by default on all servers with SSH access. As a result, in the current situation, the SSH connection has so many flaws that it is one shell it also provides access, which we won't need here right now, because we don't want them to be able to access other directories on our computer and even run commands through the shared access, but we want to be able to access only the directory to which we allowed. In this tutorial, we will look at how to create an SFTP user without shell access on your Linux system.

In this example, I will create an SFTP-only user on my desktop computer and access it from my laptop.




We need to install an SSH server first, if you don't already have it:

sudo apt-get install ssh openssh-server

You can then log in to the computer remotely with any shell user, or establish an SFTP connection. We will only need the latter of these now, so we will have to disable the user from the command line.


Create a user

We need to create a new user in the system with which we will connect via SFTP. Our username should be in this example "sharing1". Of course, you can enter any username. To create it, log in as root and then run the following useradd command:

useradd megosztas1 -s /sbin/nologin -M

A -s switch to give the user another shell. In this case, this a nologine replaced by the command. This assures the user that he cannot enter the command line with him. THE -M and with the switch we instruct the useradd program not to create a home directory for the user either, because then we set separately which directory to access.

Then give him a password:

passwd megosztas1

If you have, you can try su command to see if we really can't log in with this user:

su -l megosztas1

A -l switch would try to log in as a login shell, so it would also log in to the user's home directory, which it fails because it doesn't have a home directory. It then outputs the error output from the nologin command: "This account is currently not available.". So the command throws us two error messages and then goes back to the root command line:

Create and test a restricted user

So so far we have a user that cannot access the command line.


Create and configure an SFTP directory



We will apply the OpenSSH server chroot setting to the SFTP directory. This, in turn, requires that the configured chroot directory be owned by root and not written to by any other user or group. If you also want to be able to write with your SFTP access, i.e. upload files, you will need to create a subdirectory under this chroot directory that is owned by the user himself. Documentation.

In this example, / var / sftp / xxx we will create a structure where the xxx subdirectory will be the SFTP user writable subdirectory, which here will now be the same as the user name. Of course, the names of the directories can be anything, it is advisable to create a structure so that we do not get involved later, or even with several SFTP users. Even normal / Home You could also use a directory structure for this purpose, but it is a good idea to separate the SFTP part from regular users, so you don't have to interfere with either the / home directory structure or SSH for normal users.

So staying root, let's create our user's directory:

mkdir -p /var/sftp/megosztas1

Check your chroot directory, i.e. / var / sftp entitlement and owner:

stat -c "%a %U %G %n" /var/sftp

It must be a maximum of 755, so it cannot be written by the group or other users, and its owner must be root. When created, it is created by default, unless the umask is set. If these owner and permission settings are not in the directory, set them.

Then also change the ownership and permissions of the user directory under the chroot:

chown megosztas1:megosztas1 /var/sftp/megosztas1
chmod 700 /var/sftp/megosztas1
If you place multiple SFTP user directories under the same chroot directory, it is advisable to remove the permissions to 700 so that SFTP users cannot see the contents of each other's directories, because by default users have read access to the parts under the chroot, so they can move to each other's directories. . And with the chmod 700 setting, removing read permission, they cannot list each other's directories.
If we want to completely separate the users, then, of course, a separate chroot directory must be used for each user, which in this case requires the inclusion of another directory level (such as / var / sftp / share1 would be the chroot directory with the root owner and say / var / sftp / share1 / share1 would be the writable directory in it with the user owner). In this example, however, we only use one common chroot directory for simplicity.

So if we have the directory structure, it looks like this:

SFTP chroot directory setup


Configuring SSH for SFTP

If we're done with that so far, all that's left is to set up the OpenSSH server. To do this, open the edit / Etc / ssh / sshd_config file, and then add the following section to the end:

Match User megosztas1
    ChrootDirectory /var/sftp
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    X11Forwarding no

Here the lines mean the following:

  • Match User : This section identifies this entire conditional block, which is executed only if the specified user matches the logged in user. If you have more than one user, you can list them separated by commas. If you want to apply a separate chroot directory per user, you need to create separate blocks for them that specify the different chroot directories.
  • ChrootDirectory / var / sftp: The chroot directory must be specified here, so what root has and no one else can write to it. Within this, there may be separate directories for users to write to. The server reconciles these directories with SFTP users based on their owners, so directory names can be anything, so you don't have to enter them here. However, it is a good idea to use a consistent directory naming method, so for example, if it is the same as the user name, you will definitely not confuse them.
  • AllowTcpForwarding from: Disables TCP port forwarding.
  • X11Forwarding no: Disables X11 forwarding.

Save the file and restart the SSH service:

systemctl restart sshd.service

You are now ready to use SFTP.


SFTP testing



Before giving anyone SFTP access to our machine, we test the connection first.

If an SFTP connection is already available, it can be used in several ways: casually or persistently can be mounted on Linux systems, or We can also make it available from Windows systems, or if you don't need it all the time, you simply connect to a client program. In this section, we'll try out some of our new SFTP accounts.

Test SSH command line access

We first check to see if we really can't enter the command line with this user. On the client machine, run the ssh login with your own parameters. For example, I have:

ssh megosztas1@asztali

Then, after entering the password, it throws the following error: "This service allows sftp connections only. Connection to desktop closed." So now you are no longer throwing the error as in the beginning as we got for nologin, but now the OpenSSH server is handling this connection. This way you can be sure that command line access is disabled in two places.

SSH command line access control


Mount a remote SFTP file system with the sshfs command

If you are also using a Linux system on the client computer from which you want to log in to the SFTP account, it is sshfs linux command can be used to temporarily mount SSHFS file systems, which will disappear after the client machine is restarted. To use it, first install the program:

apt-get install sshfs

Then you can mount the file system with the following syntax (also as root):

sshfs -o allow_other <felhasználó>@<szerver>:</abszolút/elérési/út> </helyi/csatolási/pont>

Staying with our own example, first create a mount directory on the client machine:

mkdir /mnt/sftp

Then run the above command with your own parameters:

sshfs -o allow_other megosztas1@asztali:/ /mnt/sftp

Here we can also specify the root directory (/) as the absolute path, or any subdirectory of the structure that we need in the work.

You can then enter the mount directory, where you can already use your SFTP storage as a local directory:

Using SFTP with the sshfs command

This is a convenient way to use it, because once mounted, it can then be treated as a local directory by any program. However, it still has two beauty flaws, namely that when you restart the machine, you have to run the command again to connect, and as you can see in the picture, there is no user with the same UID, so the user with UID 5010 on the server it's owner. This, in turn, can be a problem because if the client machine also has a user with the same UID, it will mount it on behalf of the user, which may not be the right user. Therefore, we prefer to use a permanent mount, where the user can also be set up and reconnected even after the machine is restarted. One more detail on this we can find out more in my previous description.

If the connection is no longer needed, it is umount command, which can only be done as root:

umount /mnt/sftp

Login with the sftp command line client



If you do not want to mount the file system, it is sftp command to connect as a client from the command line:

sftp megosztas1@asztali

You will then get an FTP-like command line in which you can perform the necessary file operations.

Using the sftp command

Login using the FileZilla graphical FTP / SFTP client

And finally, come to use the well-known and popular FileZilla.

Open your favorite places and click the New Station button. The setup window will appear:

FileZilla - Set up a connection

Set the protocol here to "SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol", enter the hostname or IP address of the server for the address, then enter the port in the port section if you use a port other than the default port number of 22, otherwise leave blank. Then enter your username and password and save the panel.

The first time you connect, the usual unknown key message will appear:

FileZilla - Unknown key alert

Make a note with him and then join.

FileZilla - Connected

And our things come up again from SFTP.




This allows us to create FTPS users, accounts, which can then be securely used over the encrypted SSH channel without users having to log in to the command line.