
Perfect server: Debian 10 (Buster) V1.0

botond published March 2020, 01, Thu - 02:17 time
In this tutorial, we build the perfect Debian 10 (Buster) server version 1.0, which we build on the previous Debian 10 (Buster) LAMP server. On this page, we do the following: compression, installation of the mail system, additional settings for MariaDB and Apache, installation of spam filters and anti-virus software.

Perfect Server: Debian 8 (Jessie) V1.0 (page 2)

botond published March 2018, 05, Thu - 03:13 time
In this tutorial, we continue to install the Debian 8 Perfect Server 1.0 from the following major components: Apache2, PHP5, phpMyadmin, FCGI, WebDAV, XCache, PHP-FPM, PureFTP, SSL (page 2 of the description).


botond published 2018/05/01, k - 19:30 time
Description of the WebDAV protocol in the encyclopedia