
man (linux command)

The manual page and help for the man command. The man is a collection of system manuals. The man page parameter given to a command is usually the name of a program or function. The man then finds and displays the manual associated with it.

touch (linux command)

The manual page and help for the touch command. Touch changes the last access and / or last modification time of each specified file.

rm (linux command)

The manual page and help for the rm command. Use this command to remove files and directories.

su (linux command)

The manual page and help for the su command. The command starts a shell with another user and group ID


The manual page and help for the aptitude command. As the frontend of the APT package manager, it efficiently manages distribution packages using a text-mode interface or command line usage.


The manual page and help for the mkdir command. Use this command to create directories.


The manual page and help for the chgrp command. Use this command to change the ownership group of files.


The manual page and help for the nproc command. Use this command to query the number of processing units available for the current process.


The manual page and help for the shopt built-in command. With the shopt command you can control how Bash works by adjusting various options ...