
unzip (linux command)

The manual page and help for the unzip linux command. The unzip linux command lists, tests, or extracts files from the ZIP archive. The default operation without the option is to extract the files to the current directory (along with its subdirectories) from the specified zip file.

How to compress files much faster with pigz

botond published March 2019, 02, Thu - 14:08 time
Unfortunately, the more common compression programs work on only one thread, so they can't take advantage of today's modern, multi-core processors. In this description, we will learn about the pigz program, which can be used to run the compression process on multiple threads, thereby taking advantage of all the processor cores.


The manual page and help for the tar linux command. Tar is an archiving program designed to create a so-called. tarfile to store and extract files. The tarfile can be created on a tape drive, but it is also common to write to a normal file.