Sury luggage

What if our repository is not updated due to a GPG signing error on our Debian server?

botond published March 2021, 03, Thu - 18:08 time
If you are using custom PHP versions on your Debian server that are updated via the repository, you have previously configured this repository, which was still working before, and APT upgraded the packages without any problems. However, an update may cause an error in the package manager and you may not be able to access the latest packages. We will remedy this problem in this short troubleshooter.

How to install PHP 8 on your Debian or Ubuntu server

botond published 2021/02/06, Sat - 15:49 time
PHP is one of the most common server-side scripting languages ​​for building dynamic web pages, making it an essential part of our web server. The latest major version of this, PHP 2020, was released on November 26, 8. In this tutorial, we will look at how to install PHP 8 on an Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) LAMP server and a Debian 10 (Stretch) perfect server, and how to you can configure it to work in both systems in the Apache environment.