botond published 2018/04/20, p - 11:35 time

With DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), also known as dynamic host configuration protocol, a computer network communication protocol.

This protocol allows computers to automatically configure the TCP / IP parameters such as the machine's IP address, the network maskname server, The default gateway and the domain names.

This avoids having to manually configure each computer on a network to access the network.

Routers also have a built-in DHCP server, so when you turn on your computer or access your mobile phone over the Internet via WI-FI, the router automatically assigns a dynamic IP address to the device.

To use the protocol, the device must also obtain the IP address using DHCP before it can use the network. When the device is disconnected from the network, its IP address is released, which can then be reassigned to computers and mobile devices entering the next network. This allows the protocol to make efficient use of narrower address ranges.

DHCP is a server-client-based protocol, that is, it consists of DHCP requests sent by clients and DHCP responses given by the server. The system uses ports 67 and 68, clients send messages to port 67, and the server sends responses to port 68. These messages are broadcast messages, so all stations on the network receive them.

If you have a connection to the network, the DHCP server will provide you with a connection and an IP address. This makes hacking easier because an attacker can easily obtain a usable IP address through DHCP, as well as make other settings. Thus, when using DHCP, it is recommended that you use firewalls that can effectively filter incoming data packets.

On unprotected wireless networks (WLANs), DHCP gives anyone access to the network within range. This makes it easy for anyone entering the network to access the Internet and other devices on the network. Wired connections are harder to attack because they require a physical connection.