The domain name, also known as domain name (domain name), a unique name used to identify computers connected to the Internet. Computers connected to the Internet have a unique identifier (Their IP address), computers can communicate with each other using these addresses. Domain names are easy-to-remember unique names associated with these IP addresses.
Top-level domain names can be divided into two major groups based on their ending: International master domains and national main domains. Examples of international main domains include:
- .com: refers to a commercial activity
- .net: indicates a network
- .org: organization
- .We: commercial activity. (The suffix .biz comes from a phonetic transcription of the first syllable of the English word business.)
- .info: created for information Internet sites
- .edu: Internet sites for educational activities
Abbreviations created for a national country by the name of a specific country, such as:
- .hu: Hungary
- .from: Germany
- .ro: Romania
- .at: Austria
Domain names are managed and registered by specialized computers. These DNS servers (Domain Name Server). For example, when you type a web page address into the address bar of your browser, the request is sent to such a DNS server, which converts the requested name to the IP address associated with it, which already identifies a particular computer (server). This server then returns the requested webpage content to our computer.
Domain names consist of several parts separated by periods. These parts are structured hierarchically. Going from the left, it starts first with the lowest level section and then has the top level name at the very end. The domain name owner is free to distribute the names in the hierarchy. For example, or under an domain name.
The English domain word means otherwise: estate, territory, province.