
A collection of manual pages.


Manual page and help for the egrep linux command. The egrep command is an extended version of the grep command that works with extended regular expressions. It works the same as using the -E switch on the grep command.


Manual page and help for the chsh linux command. The chsh command changes the user's login shell. A normal user can only set his own shell, the administrator can set anyone.


Manual page and help for the factor linux command. The factor breaks down the specified numbers into prime factors in ascending order, and then prints the result.


The manual page and help for the seq linux command. The seq command writes a series of numbers to standard output. The numbers follow first to last, step by step. By default, both first and step are 1, and each number is placed on a new line. Numbers can be not only integers but also real ones.


Manual page and help for the zgrep linux command. The zgrep command typically searches compressed files for a string that matches the specified regular expression.


Manual page and help for the agrep linux command. The agrep linux command looks for strings in files with approximate matching capabilities.

local (built-in Bash command)

The manual page and help for the local built-in Bash command. Use the local command to create local variables to which values ​​can be added. Local variables can only be used within a function, not visible outside the function that defines them and its children.

help (built-in Bash command)

The manual page and help for the built-in Bash command help. The help command is a tool that displays help for built-in commands.


Manual page and help for the ps2epsi linux command. Ps2epsi is a ghostscript converter that generates Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files from PostScript files.