The latest manual pages and help


Manual page and help for the dead linux command. Use the dead command to shut down the computer.


The manual page and help for the whereis linux command. Whereis specifies the location of the binary, source, and man-page files associated with the command.


Help on the vboxmanage linux command. You can use the vboxmanage command to manage VirtualBox image files and perform various operations on them.


Manual page and help for the shutdown linux command. The shutdown command safely exits the system. Warns all logged in users and disables access (see login (1)). The process can be started immediately or after a specified time, in which all applications are notified first with the SIGTERM signal.


Manual page and help for which linux command. The which command reads a sequence of program names and prints the full path to the programs that can be executed by the shell.


The manual page and help for the pgmnoise linux command.

power off

The manual page and help for the poweroff linux command. You can use the poweroff command to shut down or restart your computer.