Update the ISPConfig 3 control panel

botond published 2018. 07. 23., h - 00:55 time

In this brief description I will describe ISPConfig 3 web host control panel update in a few steps. The operation is very simple, just a command line we need to answer some questions and we are ready.


In this tutorial I made the one earlier szerverkonfigurációmban I will introduce the process, and the next server version will be up to date ISPConfig will be uploaded with a panel.


Now we will upgrade from 3.1.11 to 3.1.12, but the same applies to other versions.



By entering the ISPConfig control panel interface as an Admin, the system will immediately inform you of the available update on the home screen:

Update ISPConfig 3 - Notification

In this case, open a terminal and run the update script as root:

sudo ispconfig_update.sh

ISPConfig Update 3 - Start Update

The control panel text logo appears, and the first question is what upgrade method should we choose (stable release, Github version, etc.). Here, select the default "[stable]" option between square brackets, so press enter. You will then download the fresh package and ask if you want to back up your current system and place it in the / var / backup directory:

Update ISPConfig 3 - Backup

For a recent system, the backup requires about 4 Mb of space, but for my server, the most recent backup is 111 Mb of space. So consider how much storage space you have on the server, or even delete previous backups if there were any updates. So if you have enough storage space, make sure to back up anyway, because security is paramount.


After saving the backup copy in its place, it runs the PHP and the MySQL update files, and then ask if you can delete the obsolete JavaScript file:

Update ISPConfig 3 - Run PHP, MySQL Update Files and Delete Obsolete Files

Of course, you will only be asked about this file now when you upgrade this version, so this section will change with each update to see which one is outdated and replaced. So be sure to delete them at this time to avoid losing sight of the file system. Press Enter and you will be prompted one by one if there are multiple files to delete, or enter "all" before enter and delete all at once. We can trust this refresh process, you know what you no longer need.

You then run another MySQL upgrade section and ask you to reconfigure the permissions in the main control panel database:

Update ISPConfig 3 - Reconfigure MySQL Permissions in the Master Database

The default answer here is the default, which we can leave as we do not need to tamper with the permissions, so hit enter.

In the next step, a default will ask you to reconfigure the services again option:

ISPConfig Update 3 - Reconfigure Services

Here we accept the yes option, press enter.

You will then reconfigure the features shown in the following image,

Update ISPConfig 3 - Configure the ISPConfig port

then asks for the ISPConfig port number, default to the previous port number. Unless you want to change the ISPConfig control panel access port, hit enter.



In the next step you will be asked if we want a new one SSL generate certificate:


Update ISPConfig 3 - Generate a new SSL certificate

This SSL regeneration applies to the certificate required to access the ISPConfig interface. Thus, if you may have already purchased real SSL for one of our domains on the server and use ISPConfig through it, do not generate a new one here, as this will overwrite the previous SSL files used for ISPConfig. In essence, you don't usually need to generate a new one here unless you have a real SSL on the server and you're close to the (self signed) SSL expiration you created when you installed ISPConfig.


So if no new SSL generation is needed, press enter.

Then comes the reconfiguration of the cron timing system, a default one again option, leave the default option here, press enter:

Update ISPConfig 3 - Reconfigure Crontab

You then reconfigure crontab and restart the services:

ISPConfig Update 3 - Complete update

And finally, if all goes well, the upgrade is done and we get the command line back.

Then, quit and then return to ISPConfig as an admin (this is how the version control is updated) and look at the result:


ISPConfig - Check Version: 3.1.12


The upgrade process does not take more than about 2-3 minutes. If there is no extreme situation, you can add default options to essentially any question by pressing the enter keys.

It is advisable to keep the control panel up to date, and in many cases important security updates or bug fixes will be included in the new version.