How to securely store and keep your passwords in sync on your computers and mobile devices with KeePass Password Manager (page 2)

botond published 2019/02/23, Sat - 16:55 time

2. page content



The description on the first page we installed the KeePass password management program on multiple platforms and then reviewed the basic functions of the system. On this page, we will look at how to install plug-ins in the program to further expand the capabilities of the program. In this description, we will use an extension that you can use SSH connection allows us to access a database that stores our passwords on a remote machine that can be accessed from multiple devices and platforms.




Add-ons and plug-ins allow you to add additional functionality to the program. These are the download page can be found here.

Installing add-ons for Linux

The KeePass plug-in window a Tools main menu Plugins ... by clicking on the option:

KeePass - Plug-in window

On Debian 9, there is no browsing option in the KeePass plug-in to load plugins, so you have to manually copy them to the appropriate directory (KeePass in Debian 10 already has a browse button).

The downloaded .plgx copy extension (s) as root as / Usr / lib / keepass2 / Plugins / directory, then restart KeePass. Loaded plug-ins will then appear in the window:

KeePass - Installed plugin

The plug-in is now part of the system and ready to use.

Installing extensions on the Windows platform

On Windows systems, installing add-ons is a bit more convenient. Entering the same way Tools / Plugins ... menu, there is already one at the bottom of the plug-in window that appears Open Folder also labeled with:

KeePass - Plug-in window for Windows

Clicking on it will open a plug-in directory in a new window, just drag and drop the download .plgx extension, we need to restart the program here, and from now on the plugin can be used:

KeePass - Installed plug-in for Windows



Using a database on a remote machine via an SFTP connection

The essence of this description is that we place our password database on a remote machine, a server, which we can then open from any of our machines or mobile devices in our KeePass programs, of course using the SFTP "channel" of a secure SSH connection.

KeePass supports an SFTP connection with an add-on. This extension is SftpSync. After downloading and installing the plug-in as described above, the system will be able to open password databases via SFTP. The procedure of the connection is described below.

Update 2020-01-06:
For the KeePass program running Debian 10 (Buster) (version 2.41), the SftpSync plugin mentioned above reports a compatibility error when KeePass starts, after which the program starts but does not detect the plugin.
To remedy this, install the monkey-complete package, after which the plugin will work.
sudo apt-get install mono-complete

Using SFTP on Linux and Windows

Connecting to database files on a remote machine is the same for Linux and Windows versions of KeePass. To do this, click on the main program window Fillet menu Open group, and from the submenu that opens, select Open URL option. The connection window will appear:

Open a URL on Linux

KeePass - Open a database from a URL on Linux

Open a URL on Windows

KeePass - Open a database from a URL in Windows


So you can see that on both platforms we have the same form on the interface panel, but the windows are slightly different.

Here you need to enter your remote SFTP access in the URL field as follows:

sftp://<hosztnév vagy IP cím>/<abszolút elérési út>/<jelszófájl>.kdbx

If you are using a port number other than the default 22 SSH port, you must append it with a colon after the host name:

sftp://<hosztnév vagy IP cím>:<egyedi SSH portszám>/<abszolút elérési út>/<jelszófájl>.kdbx

The same applies to the path as if you were logged in on SSH, so what you access in SSH, eg the root directory, its contents are also seen on the SFTP connection. Therefore, use absolute paths to minimize the chances of error.

The username and password field is clear, followed by Remember drop-down menu to choose from:

  • Don't forget your username and password
  • Remember your username only
  • Also remember your username and password

So here we set the right one based on our own circumstances, eg. memorize everything on your own machine, etc.

Then, if you have successfully opened the connection and found the database file in the specified path, a prompt for the database master password will appear:

KeePass - Open Database - Request Master Password

In the example on the first page of the description, I open a database created on Linux from a Windows machine.

After entering the correct password, the database stored on the remote machine will open.

After you make any changes to the open database, if you click save, it will be automatically backed up to the source location. So we can use the same data source from multiple hosts / devices.



Use SFTP on Android devices

Although we are not talking about KeePass when we want to open the same database file on Android devices, we are talking about a third-party file. application, which is otherwise fully compatible with the one created and managed by KeePass .kdbx files, as well as its user interface is convenient and easy to use, so be sure to talk about this application as well.

By installing the program on your mobile device and opening it, you have the option to open an existing database or create a new database:

Keepass2Android - Home screen

We are now interested in opening the database on the remote machine, so tap on the top open file option. This will bring up a selection window where we can connect to remote databases through a variety of protocols:

Keepass2Android - Select a storage type

Here select SFTP (SSH File Transfer) option, a form will appear asking for storage access information:

Keepass2Android - SFTP storage information

You have to enter everything here in the same way, except that you have to enter the port number in a separate field.

Once you have entered the correct information, here you will also be prompted for a password to unlock the database.



In the description, we learned about KeePass, which is an excellent help for storing and conveniently organizing our passwords, no matter what platform. We've also made it possible to use a shared password database file stored on a server from our computers and mobile devices, which helps us in any situation when we need a password or just a credit card number when, for example, we're not sitting in front of our machine. Furthermore, using a secure SSH / SFTP connection, we can rest assured that we can open our password database via any network (eg public WIFI), it will be encrypted several times (encrypted by the password database) between our devices, so no one can access our confidential data. .




This description consists of several pages: