
How to use UUID unique identifiers to consistently mount partitions

botond published 2019. 12. 23., h - 17:25 time
The Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) is a unique identifier that Linux systems also use to identify different volumes / partitions so that the mountings of different block devices do not change even if the connection order of the hard drives in the computer changes, such as during maintenance. . In this tutorial, we will look at how to use UUIDs in our fstab file instead of device names to mount our partitions in a consistent way.

How to access SSH file systems on remote servers from linux

botond published 2019/10/29, k - 20:36 time
If you often work on remote file systems, it is a good idea to mount them on your own file system so that you do not have to log on to another machine or connect to any server every time, but use that storage as if it were your local directory.


The manual page and help for the mount command


The manual page of the fstab configuration file