
Upgrading your Drupal 9 base system in two ways

botond published March 2021, 02, Thu - 25:23 time
There have been several base system updates for Drupal 9 CMS in recent weeks, so it's worth reviewing its update mechanism as before for the Drupal 8 update. In this description, I'm going to update the Drupal 10 website installed on the Debian 9 (Buster) perfect server from 9.1.2 to 9.1.4, so here we now jump to several versions at once. There are two ways to do this: first with a composer, and then look at the manual update.

Upgrading the Drupal base system to 8.8

botond published Jan. 2019, 12, 18:15 p.m. time
On December 2019, 4, Drupal released its currently latest base system, 8.8.0. We’ve talked about how to easily upgrade the Drupal base system before, but more has changed in this release, so we need to get a little deeper into things. So in this description we will look at how to upgrade our Drupal base system from 8.7.10 to 8.8.0.

Installing Composer PHP package manager

botond published 2018/06/24, v - 00:23 time
In this short tutorial, I will show you how to install the Composer PHP package manager, which you may need to run some websites or projects.


botond published 2018/06/23, Sat - 21:46 time
Introduction to Composer (PHP package management software) in the encyclopedia