I heard it on the radio these days, and then I came across the news on the website of Magyar Nemzet, in which they wrote that a Hungarian company had compiled and made available for free a software package that includes an open source operating system and a software package that also includes free components. a web browser, word processor, spreadsheet, mailer, media player, and more. The benefits of the Digital Prosperity Software Basic Package include ease of installation, easy-to-use user programs, a high degree of customization, and a free alternative to expensive operating systems and user programs thanks to open source, free components. With the help of customized user profiles, the system adapts to the user needs of each target group (children, families, the elderly).
Installing, configuring and using a UFW firewall on Debian / Ubuntu systems
UCW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is an easy-to-use netfilter firewall management program. It uses a command line interface that consists of a few simple commands and uses iptables for configuration, so it is the frontend of iptables. In this description we will look at the installation and basic use and configuration of the UFW firewall, the steps of which I will perform on a minimal Debian 11 server.