Recent encyclopedia entries

APT (Advanced Packaging Tool)

botond published 2019/01/29, k - 21:23 time
An introduction to the APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) article in the encyclopedia

SSH tunneling (SSH tunnel)

botond published March 2019, 01, Thu - 03:12 time
A brief introduction to SSH tunneling (SSH tunnel) network technology in the encyclopedia.


botond published 2018/12/23, v - 16:53 time
A brief introduction to tunneling, or tunnel network technology, in the encyclopedia

Let's Encrypt

botond published 2018/12/02, v - 15:25 time
Let's Encrypt is a free SSL exhibiting organization presentation in the encyclopedia

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

botond published 2018/12/02, v - 13:59 time
A brief introduction to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in the encyclopedia


botond published Jan. 2018, 10, 17:22 p.m. time
Introduction to the Cygwin program environment in the encyclopedia


botond published 2018/10/05, p - 19:38 time
Roundcube is an open source, free web mail software presentation in the encyclopedia.