Download the perfect server: Debian 9 (Stretch) v1.1

botond published 2020/12/26, Sat - 15:27 time

Download details

The download page contains the version of Perfect server: Debian 9 (stretch) V1.1 VirtualBox image file. The file first I shrunk it with VirtualBoxand then gzipped it.


Content of the virtual machine

In chronological order, the following have been installed on this machine:


The earlier, 1.0version contains:


As a continuation of the above, the following have been installed, which are already 1.1Virtual Server Version Parts:



Virtual machine access

IP address / hostname

Machine IP Address: (if applicable this can be modified.)
Your full host name: debian9.linuxportal.vm

SSH / Terminal users

  1. Username: root
    Password: linuxportal_root
  2. Username: linuxportal
    Password: linuxportal

Additional accesses

Additional accesses created during the installation are stored on the virtual machine /root/access.txt file.


file Information

  1. Filename: linuxportal_d9_002_tokeletes-szerver-debian-9-stretch-v1-1.vdi.gz
    Size: 1,4 GB (1 447 743 027 byte)
    Unpacked size: 5,7 GB (6 041 894 912 byte)



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